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- \font\twelverm=cmr12
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- \twelverm
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- \def\Mostra{{\twelvess Mostra}}
- \centerline{\bigss Mostra}
- \vskip 1cm
- \centerline{\big A Universal IFF Viewer}
- \vskip 1cm
- \parindent=40pt
- \parskip=10pt plus 1pt minus 1pt
- \baselineskip=15pt
- \noindent There are many utilities for viewing IFF ILBM files, but none I'd seen
- until now met the goal of displaying every IFF picture; each had its
- idiosyncrasies. If one viewer could display overscan pictures, then every
- picture with more than 640 pixels on a line would be shifted like there were 700
- pixels; some programs could only show a directory of pictures by forcing the
- user to enter all the filenames; some programs would crash with PAL pictures;
- others would do the same with pictures larger than any screen; it was rare to
- have an option to force a screen mode (for the tech-folks out there: old IFF
- ILBM files don't have the CAMG chunk!); there were no comfortable file
- requesters for use when you didn't know the exact name of the file (who can
- remember GRABBiT file names?); pressing the right mouse button could cause a
- useless drag bar to corrupt the picture$\ldots$
- If a program had one feature, it lacked another, so I decided to write a show
- utility. I never would have succeeded without the best friend of an Amiga
- programmer: the ARP library. If I have been able to write \Mostra, it's only
- to ARP's credit. Pattern matching, resource tracking, powerful resident
- functions$\ldots$ The only drawback is that you {\it must\/} have the
- arp.library (V39!) in your libs: directory in order to run \Mostra. Otherwise,
- a message will be displayed, and \Mostra\ will refuse to run. \Mostra\ is also
- a pure program, i.e., it can be made resident.
- Note that you can run \Mostra\ from Workbench: called by itself it will pop the
- file requester and will show you pictures until you select {\twelvett CANCEL} or
- close the file requester window. Otherwise, you can select multiple icons, or
- you can change the default tool of your pictures. Note that if you do this with
- a CAT or a LIST you will have an automatic little slideshow.
- \Mostra\ can process {\it any\/} IFF ILBM file (including Photon Paint files,
- excellence! files etc.); this means not only IFF ILBM FORMs, but also nested
- ILBM, FTXT, FORMs, CATs, LISTs and PROPs! It will always try to find the screen
- type that fits the best, and won't give up if you want to see 1$\times$1 brushes
- or {\it very\/} large pictures: Tom tried up to 5120$\times$4096 (thanx Tom).
- In any case, you can force the screen type with several options.
- One of the major features in this release is direct support for SHAM and
- indirect support for Dynamic HAM and Dynamic Hi-Res. Note that you get {\it
- full\/} SHAM support --- you can scroll around SHAM pictures in little screens!
- Of course vertical movement requires a {\it lot\/} of work for your Amiga. For
- Dynamic Hi-Res and Dynamic HAM \Mostra\ will call NewTek's Dyna-Show, that must
- be in one of your search paths (the simplest way to accomplish this is putting
- Dyna-Show in your C: directory). You can this way look to every kind of
- picture, but with Dynamic modes you lose some of \Mostra's powerful features,
- e.g., the screen sizing. However, all principal functions are implemented.
- Including Dyna-Show-like code in \Mostra\ would have increased its size too
- much. Maybe the next release I'll think about it.
- To get the syntax in AmigaDOS/ARP style type:
- {\obeylines
- \parindent=0pt
- \twelvett
- M ?
- \vskip 10pt
- \twelverm
- This will produce the input template:
- \vskip 10pt
- \twelvett
- {\parskip=0pt Files/$\ldots$,A=ALL/s,R=REPEAT/s,Q=QUIET/s,NOFASTDRAW/s,
- Secs/k,Fade/k,NO=NOSTARTUP/s,Batch/k,
- \vskip 10pt
- \twelverm
- If you ask for more help by typing `?' again, you will see:
- \vskip 10pt
- \twelvett
- {\parskip=0pt \Mostra\ 1.0 {\copyright} 1990 Sebastiano Vigna
- Usage: M <wildcards [$\ldots$] | !> [ALL] [REPEAT] [QUIET] [NOFASTDRAW]
- [SECS time] [FADE speed] [NOSTARTUP] [BATCH file]
- \vskip 10pt
- \twelverm
- The same help is displayed if you call \Mostra\ with no arguments.
- }
- \Mostra's first argument is a list of patterns (or file names) as long as you
- want; you will get every picture whose name matches one of the patterns.
- Alternatively, you can type only the `!' character, and \Mostra\ will display
- the famous Heath File Requester, allowing you to scan the entire file system.
- When you're tired of looking at the picture, move the mouse pointer to the very
- top of the screen and press the right button (you can also press the {\twelvett
- RETURN}, {\twelvett SPACE} or {\twelvett ESCAPE} keys). You can drag or depth-
- arrange the screen with the left mouse button (the gadgets are invisible, but
- they really are there!). {\twelvett TAB} will toggle on/off color cycling. To
- stop pattern matching or IFF scanning use {\twelvett CTRL-C} at any moment.
- If the screen size is less than the size of the picture, you can move around
- with cursor keys by themselves (moving by 8 pixels) or in combination with the
- {\twelvett ALT} (16 pixels, lowest=weakest), {\twelvett SHIFT} (64 pixels), or
- {\twelvett CTRL} (128 pixels, highest=strongest) keys. A noteworthy feature of
- \Mostra\ is that the picture is {\it not\/} decrunched all at one time in a very
- large chunk of memory; instead, a fast LM routine decrunches the file in
- real-time every time you move (the routine could be faster, but it has lots of
- controls to get rid of damaged IFF BODY chunks; safety always first). This is
- not as fast as the memory-eating method, but I think it's {\it much\/} better!
- Very large pictures (like 800$\times$900) will be shown in a full screen
- (generated on the fly at Workbench size) which you can move around. Overscan
- pictures will retain their size of it's not greater than 400$\times$300 lo-res
- pixels (400$\times$250 on a NTSC Amiga). For hi-res pictures, there is also a
- 704 pixel width limit due to Intuition. Small brushes will be shown in a
- minimum 256$\times$128 pixel screen. Of course, moving vertically with SHAM
- pictures involves a high system overhead, since CopperLists are continuously
- built and deleted.
- A weird effect of this method is that you can see pictures that can't even be
- {\it loaded\/} into your Amiga. Let's suppose you have a really crunched
- picture; the BODY chunk and a 256$\times$256 lo-res screen could take much less
- space than the decrunched picture, so you could create pictures that only
- \Mostra\ could let you see in all of their parts. Why you would want to do
- this, well, that's another matter.
- If you're looking at a Dynamic HAM/Dynamic Hi-Res picture, remember that you're
- dealing with Dyna-Show, and not with \Mostra. To exit you must simply press a
- key or a mouse button. Remember also that all other task are frozen.
- Then we have a lot of options (parentheses show how to shorten 'em):
- \item{$\bullet$}{\twelvett ALL (A)} recursively scans all of the subdirectories
- during the wildcard search.
- \item{$\bullet$}{\twelvett REPEAT (R)} will endlessly restart from the first
- pattern when it has finished with the last; if you used the `!' line arguments,
- the file requester will pop up after every picture until you {\twelvett CANCEL}
- or close.
- \item{$\bullet$}{\twelvett QUIET (Q)} turns off all messages except in case of
- error.
- \item{$\bullet$}{\twelvett NOFASTDRAW} leaves the program at priority 0; by
- default, \Mostra\ will surround the BODY decrunching operations with a
- SetTaskPri(1). This will not lock the system, but in a multitasking situation
- \Mostra\ will perform quickly when needed.
- \item{$\bullet$}{\twelvett CENTER (C)} will force the screen to be centered
- (640$\times$200 pictures on PAL screens look so ugly$\ldots$) and will use
- overscan if necessary.
- \item{$\bullet$}{\twelvett BLACKBACKGROUND (B)} will create a 0-bitplane (almost
- no memory consumed!) black screen that will stay until you saw the last picture.
- This is for aesthetic purposes only.
- \item{$\bullet$}{\twelvett WIDTH} and {\twelvett HEIGHT (W,H)} want an argument
- that specifies the dimensions of the viewing screen. However, \Mostra\ is an
- intelligent program, and will almost always find the correct screen by itself.
- WARNING: dimensions allowed are from 64 to 1024, at your own risk. Your Amiga
- won't crash, but weird things can happen$\ldots$ (Please note that SHAM vertical
- sizes will be rounded to the next even number).
- \item{$\bullet$}{\twelvett CYCLE} will automatically activate color cycling on
- every picture. Usually this happens only by request, through {\twelvett TAB}.
- \item{$\bullet$}{\twelvett SECS} must be followed by a number between 0 and 1000
- (the zero delay was a request from a BIXen). \Mostra\ will display the picture
- for the number of seconds specified, but you can skip it with mouse, {\twelvett
- RETURN}, {\twelvett SPACE}, and {\twelvett ESCAPE} keys as always or stop the
- show with {\twelvett CTRL-C}. Cursor keys are disabled. Greatly reworked on
- Warren's request.
- \item{$\bullet$}{\twelvett FADE} lets you specify a speed for pictures to fade
- in and out. Valid numbers are 1 to 4, with four the slowest. Note that HAM
- pictures can't be faded.
- \item{$\bullet$}{\twelvett NOMOUSE (N)} will hide the mouse pointer while
- \Mostra\ is displaying a picture.
- \item{$\bullet$}{\twelvett FREEMOUSE (F)} will let you pass from one picture to
- another by clicking either of the mouse buttons at any position on the screen.
- \item{$\bullet$}{\twelvett NOACTIVATE (NA)} will inhibit the activation of the
- picture screens, so you can keep on typing on your current screen. This was a
- request from Tom.
- \item{$\bullet$}{\twelvett DOUBLEBUFFERING (DB)} sets a double buffering show
- mode: while a new picture is being loaded you see the old one, no Workbench
- pop-up or black screens. Eats lots of memory, too. Again, a request from Tom.
- (Note: it's canceled if you call the file requester; if a picture requiring
- Dyna-Show is encountered, the current screen will be closed, in order to get as
- much free memory as possible: you may consider using also {\twelvett
- BLACKBACKGROUND} to prevent Workbench appereance.)
- Centering is no longer performed via Preferences, so if you move the screen the
- centering will go away. {\twelvett NOSTARTUP} and {\twelvett BATCH} options
- will be discussed later.
- Now, the graphics options. You can force all screens to be {\twelvett HIRES} or
- {\twelvett LORES}, {\twelvett LACE} or {\twelvett NOLACE}, {\twelvett HAM} or
- {\twelvett HALFBRITE}. Note that if \Mostra\ finds a six bitplane picture with
- no indications (no CAMG chunk), it won't set the {\twelvett HAM} flag by
- default. These flags are ``dumb,'' that is, they'll do exactly what you say,
- even if it is meaningless. However, if you use both {\twelvett HALFBRITE} and
- {\twelvett HAM} together, only the former will take place.
- Note that all of the options after {\twelvett QUIET} won't have any effect on
- pictures shown through Dyna-Show, except for {\twelvett BLACKBACKGROUND} and
- {\twelvett SECS}.
- And now, some examples:
- \twelvett
- \twelverm
- \noindent will generate a real (and endless!) slide show of the pictures in the
- MyPics: dir and in all its subdirs, centered and with no mouse pointer hanging
- around. In order to stop the slide show, you must press {\twelvett CTRL-C}.
- \twelvett
- M df0:*.image df0:pictures/*.pic HIRES LACE
- \twelverm
- \noindent will show the files ending with .image on the drive df0: and the
- files ending with .pic in the directory df0:pictures. \Mostra\ will be forced
- to use high resolution, interlaced screens. Setting the {\twelvett HIRES} flag
- on pictures with more than 4 bitplanes usually leads you to see absolutely
- nothing.
- \twelvett
- M dh0:hirespic LORES NOLACE
- \twelverm
- \noindent will show a hi-res picture in lo-res (`zooming in'). You can move
- around with the cursor keys as described above.
- {\twelvett WIDTH} and {\twelvett HEIGHT} can be useful when you have a picture
- that cannot be displayed because there's not enough Chip RAM (you get the
- ``Can't open Screen'' error message). In such a case, try:
- \twelvett
- M pic WIDTH 128 HEIGHT 128
- \twelverm
- \noindent This will usually allow you to at least get a peek at something.
- \vskip 2cm
- \centerline{\big Advanced features}
- \vskip 1cm
- \noindent For maximum flexibility, \Mostra\ allows you to use ``startup'' files
- and ``startup'' Tool Types, with which you can configure the program to suit your
- tastes.
- There is a standard startup file, called `S:Startup-Mostra'. \Mostra\ will
- search for it when run from CLI. The format of this file is {\it exactly\/} the
- same as the \Mostra\ line format minus the command name ({\twelvett M}).
- Commands may be spread out over several lines or gathered together onto a single
- line. Every switch or keyword in the startup file will act as a default, and
- will be toggled or superseded by any command line arguments. Command line
- switches will act as toggles (if your startup file has the keyword {\twelvett
- ALL} and you say {\twelvett M * ALL}, you {\it won't\/} go into subdirectories),
- while keywords simply assert the new value (if you have {\twelvett FADE 1} in
- your startup file and you say {\twelvett FADE 3} in the command line, your
- pictures will be faded at speed 3).
- Two options concern startup files:
- \item{$\bullet$}{\twelvett NOSTARTUP} inhibit the search for startup files,
- useful if you have one of them and you want to specify your options from
- scratch; it can be shortened with {\twelvett NO}.
- \item{$\bullet$}{\twelvett BATCH} wants a complete path/filename that \Mostra\
- will use as startup file.
- From the WB side, you can write the startup options in the Tool Types of the
- \Mostra\ icon, and it will use them. The format is the same of
- `Startup-Mostra'. Please note that {\twelvett FADE=1}, {\twelvett WIDTH=352}
- are valid, but {\twelvett FREEMOUSE=ON} is not; use only {\twelvett FREEMOUSE}.
- Or you can set the first Tool Type of a project icon to {\twelvett STARTUP} and
- put your options in the following lines; the project picture file will be shown
- with those options when you double-click its icon. You can do the same thing
- with an icon that has no related file, and put some wildcards in the Tool Type.
- The wildcards will then be shown with those options. If you don't put in
- wildcards, you get a ``style'' icon: you can {\twelvett SHIFT} click some
- icons, {\twelvett SHIFT} click the ``style'' icon (in {\it this\/} order) and
- then {\twelvett SHIFT} double-click the \Mostra\ icon (or directly {\twelvett
- SHIFT} double-click the last icon, if its default tool is \Mostra): you will
- see the selected picture files with the options specified in the style icon.
- The style icon by itself will pop up the file requester. Please note that even
- an icon with wildcards can be used as a style icon because multiple selections
- supersede wildcards.
- I know, it seems a little twisted, but using it you'll find, instead, that it's
- the way you'd think.
- {\bf WARNING}: strange interactions can take place. If you have some picture
- icons, and you {\twelvett SHIFT} click all but one of them and then you
- {\twelvett SHIFT} double click the last {\it and\/} the last picture icon you
- clicked had some {\twelvett STARTUP} options, you will see {\it all\/} of the
- pictures with those options. Right?
- For curious/tech/interested people, here is the exact algorithm:
- \item{1.} If sm\_NumArgs$>$1 (the user started \Mostra\ with al least an icon
- argument), check if sm\_ArgList[1] (the first `real' argument) has Tool Types
- with first Tool Type = {\twelvett STARTUP}. If so, scan the whole Tool Types list
- like a command line, accepting mixed commands on a single Tool Type as well as
- separated commands in separated Tool Types.
- \item{2.} If 1.\ goes wrong, check the \Mostra\ icon Tool Types, and take them as
- a command line. (Note: {\twelvett STARTUP} is not requested.)
- \item{3.} Now, if sm\_NumArgs$>$1, check every sc\_ArgList[i] with i$>$0 and if
- there is a related file ({\it not\/} a .info file!) generate a list of arguments
- as if the user entered them manually, {\it superseding\/} eventual
- filenames/wildcards found in 1.\ and 2.
- \noindent Now, examples, by means of common problems:
- \item{1.} ``I have a hundred pictures on my 360M hard disk, and I've organized
- them in a few groups. How can I make simple slideshows, with each group
- separate?''
- Simple: Create a project icon for each group, and add a Tool Type {\twelvett
- STARTUP}. Then add a Tool Type like {\twelvett PICS:Group1/* ALL SECS 5 CENTER}
- to choose your options, set the default tool to {\twelvett C:M} (or wherever you
- put it) and double-click (of course, this must be done with every group icon).
- Don't give the icons the same name as a directory, or \Mostra\ will collapse in
- confusion.
- \item{2.} ``I want to always see the black screen when I start from WB.''
- Set a \Mostra\ Tool Type to {\twelvett BLACKBACKGROUND}.
- \item{3.} ``I have some pictures. Sometimes I want to see a few of them with a
- full screen and no mouse, sometimes with a 128$\times$128 screen, sometimes
- centered.''
- Create three ``style'' icons. Each icon must have as its first Tool Type
- {\twelvett STARTUP}, and the following ones must be something like {\twelvett
- NOMOUSE}, {\twelvett WIDTH 128 HEIGHT 128} and {\twelvett CENTER}. The default
- tool must be {\twelvett C:M}. When you want to see in a certain style,
- {\twelvett SHIFT} click the picture icons and {\it then\/} {\twelvett SHIFT}
- double-click the style icon you desire.
- \item{4.} ``I like to click my pics one at a time, each one with different
- options. I'd like also to see them in irregular groups, each picture with its
- options.''
- You need a psycho-analyst, not \Mostra.
- \vskip 2cm
- \centerline{\big Credits}
- \vskip 1cm
- I am proud to announce that \Mostra\ worked perfectly with .LBM files from an
- MS-DOS game, loaded directly from the original disk (via CrossDos, of course).
- I wish to thank some people, first of all the ARP team for the arp.library and
- John Toebes at Lattice for the best Amiga C. Speed and compactness of \Mostra\
- come from the fabulous 5.04 release. Dulcis in fundo (I like {\it so\/} much
- the Latin!) thanks to Luca Spada (the SkyLink SysOp) for his enthusiasm about my
- previous Show program; he persuaded me to create \Mostra\ 1.0.
- Also I would thank all of the BIXens that encouraged me someway or helped me to
- find bugs. Great help with SHAM came from Warren Block and Jamie Purdon
- (something still has to be fixed$\ldots$). The new centering code comes from an
- example by Willy Langeveld. Erik Quackenbush made me aware of a big bug. Dan
- Ten Ton suggested the new name (don't wonder, he knows the Italian!) but the
- pointer came also from Dave Quick (only, he doesn't know the Italian$\ldots$).
- Wes Howe pushed me to improve the diagnostics. Tom Rokicki, Roger Uzun, Dan,
- Warren and Luca helped me to beta-test and they suggested new options. Warren
- also checked the docs. Keith Hopkins gave me the icon. Finally, Tom sent me
- the greatest compliments {\twelvett 8-)}. Etc.\ etc., I surely missed
- someone$\ldots$ it's the {\it best\/} programming environment in the world!
- If you find any bugs please write me or leave me a message at BIX.
- This software is not public domain. It is shareware: you should send me \$20
- (or more, why not?) if you find it useful (BIXfriends are of course free).
- Please don't send checks drawn on a US bank, they're almost impossible to cash.
- I'd prefer postal money orders, currency or checks drawn on an italian bank.
- If you're reading this, you probably have access to a \TeX\ system. Anyway, if
- you spent a good part of your time preparing and printing documents, I'd suggest
- you to take a look at Amiga\TeX, a wonderful package from Radical Eye Software.
- This software is provided ``AS IS'' without warranty of any kind, either
- expressed or implied. By using \Mostra, you agree to accept the entire risk as
- to the quality and performance of the program. Any liability will be limited
- exclusively to product replacement. \Mostra\ is freely distributable as long as
- all of its files are included in their original form without additions,
- deletions, or modifications of any kind. (I {\it hate\/} all of this legal
- stuff, but one never knows$\ldots$)
- Dyna-Show {\copyright} 1990 NewTek is a show program that features Dynamic modes display.
- I hope \Mostra\ will help you to enjoy your Amiga even more (if possible).
- \vskip 3cm
- {\obeylines\parskip=0pt
- Sebastiano Vigna
- BIX: svigna
- Via Valparaiso, 18
- 20144 MILANO Italia
- }
- \bye